Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Bon soir, my dearest hearts!
And, my very dearest chum, Austin:

Welcome to my official blogosphere debutante ball! I've never had the pleasure of having my very own blog experience, and to share it with one I hold in such high esteem is truly a deep, deep honor. Like, six whiskeys deep.

As I expect this blog to become the raison d'ĂȘtre for what is likely to be scads of readers, I'm simply leaping with excitement to introduce myself to the masses.

Things I like: Men; whiskey (Jameson); American Apparel underwear; Shiraz/Syrah; rippling chests; purging; vodka: (Grey Goose); groups of unfriendly black gay guys; becoming intoxicated from alcohol but throwing it up before the calories hit; Lady GaGa; my Mother; Austin; myself

Things I dislike: Cheap tequila; cheap vodka; cheap gin; expensive drinks; boring white people; children; fat

Things I secretly like but don't like to admit that I do: White wine; food

Things I secretly dislike but don't like to admit that I do: Ice skating; Oprah

What you can buy for me as a present: The largest size of Jameson possible and some recreational liposuction/Botox.

Ooh! Can you hear it, my pets? That's the sound of bottles across the world getting dusted off for happy hour. I must be off - it's a mere hour and 58 minutes until it's socially acceptable to drink again!

Until next time, sweet darlings!

Love from,
Your Brendan

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