Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Viewin', Happens So Fast...

As you all know, between social engagements, Brendan and I don't really do much but laze around the house to maintain our boyish figures and ride the edge of our personal alcohol tolerances. During these times, I like to turn to my DVR to provide hours of reality disengagement. However, as we now have entered June, we subsequently have entered the black hole known as Summer Programming.

I don't know what it is about summer that produces the tripe I am forced to endure. It's as if the networks figure that everyone is doing outdoorsy type adventures in these dreary months. I doubt that is the case. If it is, it's because television has left them with no alternatives.

However, through my experienced and tested television viewing, I have sorted through the floating garbage of I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, Denise Richards: It's Complicated, Kendra, America's Got Talent, Dance Your Ass Off, and I Survived a Japanese Game Show (among others, trust me) to find some of the shining gems of programming that will grace your home screens. Well, hopefully...

So You Think You Can Dance
Despite it's annoyingly long name (try texting THAT nine times far), this show features some of the most talented people in reality television. These kids have had some training and work harder than anyone I know. It's unfortunate that the payoff seems to be recurring roles on future seasons.

Although this show has already began, it picks back up with regular episodes this month. If you haven't watched this modern re-telling of David (you know, the Bible one), go to and catch up. Ah-mah-zing.

Although I am guilty of not following this show as closely as I should, I know that it's quality TV with Mary Louise Parker at the helm. This happens to be one of Bren's favorite shows, as it also features his stalkee Hunter Parish.

Nurse Jackie
This is one of the series that I'm looking forward to either loving or hating. Edie Falco is a force to be reckoned with, so of course it'll be worth attention. Also, she's sporting a rather lesbian hair cut (see Jackie Warner from Work Out).

True Blood
The second season kicks off soon (but not soon enough). It's hard to go wrong with vampires, and since it's set in Deep South, it's close to this Mississippi Sissy's heart. Of course, it looks like Jason Stackhouse (played by the gorgeous Ryan Kwanten) is taking a religious turn this season. I hope this doesn't mean less nude scenes for him...

Set to premiere on NBC, this is a show I'm watching with a wary eye. I have always been a fan of the King Arthur legends, so of course I will be trying this one on for size. It takes place while Merlin and Arthur and young men while Urthur is still king. We'll see...

So I hope that this helps out those of you who will doing the socially responsible thing and staying in this summer. There's no need to show your face in the daylight. Night time does wonders for other's perceived notion of one's skin. Plus, it saves money on face lotions and treatments that is better spent elsewhere... booze.

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