Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tony Who?

So as a good gay does, I am planning a fabulous party for the Tony Awards on Sunday (Bren, I really wish you would reconsider joining society again here in New York, if only for this one evening). As I was sending out invitations and chatting with potential RSVPers, I was shocked and awed at the discovery that one of my "friends" (and believe me, I now use the term loosely) has never once watched a Tony Award ceremony. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I told this gay delinquent that watching the Tonys is like a homo right of passage. Am I wrong here? Don't I have every right to be appalled?

And to make matters worse, more than one friend said that they were seeing shows that evening. Excuse me? You make plans on theater's most important night? I don't get upset at a refused invitation; life's full of them. However, I do expect that if you're not watching the Tony Awards at my party, you are watching them somewhere. I simply cannot accept a denial in any other case. What is wrong with you people?

*shakes off rage*

Whew. There. It's been said. I hope this doesn't happen again next year, gentlemen. Be expecting your 2010 invites shortly. That is all.

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