Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Keep Your Diet to Yourself

Oh Bren, you're such a grig. You delight my senses with each word you utter. However, I didn't realize there was a "socially acceptable" time to start drinking. If there is, I've been completely ignoring it these long years that we've been friends.

So I was honored today to partake in a buffet of baked goods presented by a group of young, fetching culinary students. Now I know we don't like to publicly acknowledge that we masticate any sort of repast, but I simply must say that I was in dessert heaven as I perused the selections. In fact, I am still working on a macaroon dish as we speak.

However, as I daintily placed foods on my plate, I couldn't help but overhear the sundry of declarations of people "on a diet" and who "shouldn't be having this". As everyone knows, Brendan and I don't have to diet to maintain our waifish, yet stylish figures, but I know that some people indeed embark on these journeys of self-sacrifice. The thing I cannot abide, though, is the constant proclamations to let everyone ELSE know that they are dieting. We get it. You have self-control. You want to be skinny. Who doesn't? But just shut up about it already. My mother always said one must suffer in silence to keep their dignity in tact.

Anywho, I will not return to my treats. One has to be good to oneself every now and then...


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